Milkmaid Braids and Denim Shirts!

I had been thinking about posting a tutorial on this hairstyle for quite a while and so I finally decided to do it! This look is not only easy and effortless but seriously takes no time at all, especially if you are confident with braiding your hair. If you want to recreate this look then please read on:
  1. Start off by brushing your hair and parting it down the middle from the front to the back.
  2. Separate the two sides and braid each normally (three-strand braid), tying them off at the ends with an elastic.
  3. Then simply take one of the braids and place it across your head, pinning it in place as you go.
  4. Repeat step 3 with the other braid and voilĂ  you’re done my lovely!!
  5. *OPTIONAL* If you want, pull some strands of hair out at the front and wherever else you feel comfortable, to mess it up a bit and frame your face.
I hope that you liked this post and enjoy the pictures!



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