
You know those days when you feel on top of the world and just so genuinely happy, well this was one of those days!

Never would I have thought that I could meet the people that inspire me on a daily basis with their videos and their passion for what they do. For some it may sound silly to think that make-up and fashion videos and the people behind them can actually make you feel good about yourself, but the truth is, they do!

I know that I could spend hours laughing at YouTube challenge videos or watching 'how to' videos just so that I could develop my skills further. YouTube is not only a social platform but also a way of reaching out to those who simply make you happy!

BeautyCon London was as epic as it could get for me! Being able to meet the incredibly humble and beautiful Tess Christine and Carli Bybel was honestly a DREAM COME TRUE! I can't stop thinking about it and I'm just so grateful that I got the opportunity.

The whole day was made up of panels filled with your favourite YouTubers talking about #GirlProbs and even how to set up your own channel, they spoke about everything you would ever need to know! If you were unable to attend this year it seems that, judging by this years BeautyCon London, next year will be just as amazing!!


P.S. Just a little side note, make sure to wear comfortable shoes!

Image: www.beautycon.com

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