2017: My Best Moments

Hey lovelies!

2017 has thankfully been less of a whirlwind of a year than 2016 and just like each year we learn new things. The human race loves to hold onto the negative aspects of life and maybe that's because sometimes being happy isn't all that realistic or possible for every person every day of the year. However, it's important to look back at how far you've come and engage with those moments where you did feel pure, uninterrupted bliss and happiness.

I'm choosing to focus on one big and four small things that took place throughout this year and being able to reminisce has meant that I can momentarily forget about the bad and look back to what good was given to me and be grateful for it.

So here we go!!!!

1. New York - Second Time Around Baby!

There was nothing better than to return to this beautiful city and witness so many more of its stunning sites, the Flatiron Building being at the top of that list! I love New York and whilst many people think that it's overrated, I can somewhat understand but also realise that this city is the source of inspiration for so many industries and for that I think we should be truly grateful. NYC you really had my heart in your hands because nothing felt better than admiring the things that were so much greater than me in those moments!!

2. The Sky Garden

A perfect day date location! I had such a great time seeing London from above and was so happy to have the company that I had because it made it all the more better! I definitely recommend grabbing yourself some tickets for this truly mesmerising view of such a big city like London and if you're looking for some great, but slightly expensive food, hit up The Folly - I hear the steak is delicious and the burgers are huge!

3. Taking a Month off in Greece

What more could a girl ask for than a month-long holiday in Greece?! From a young age, my family and I have always travelled to Greece during the summer months to visit the rest of our family who predominantly live over there. Before this year, we hadn't visited them for a couple of years because of wanting to explore other places such as Barcelona and Venice so it was so nice to return there for a good length of time and see them all again! The days were filled with sun, sea and unfortunately a lot of sweat - those annoying sleepless nights were tough ones to battle with because they were just too hot! Maybe I'll return there again in 2018 if the stress of university finally gets too much haha!

4. My 21st Birthday

I turned 21 this year and although it scared me slightly to know that I am gradually getting older (as a human being does haha), it reminded me that life is short and that you might as well strive for everything you could possibly ask for in the time that you are given. 2017 brought me one of the best birthday's I could have asked for because I was able to celebrate it with almost every single person that I love. There were presents, there were fireworks and there was definitely cake but, most importantly, there was a lot of love, laughter and happiness, so here's to turning 22 in 2018!!

5. 42nd Street: The Musical

Now before you get too confused...no I did not star in this hit musical. Do I wish that I had? Yes. Can I tap dance to save my life? No. Can I sing at all? Ye...Umm no. Sometimes it's better to just leave it to the professionals and sit back in awe at just how fast they can move their feet and hold those notes so well. This was an epic show and an overall amazing night that I wish you could all have experienced. Unfortunately the tickets were not cheap but if you're looking to spoil yourself or even someone you love then definitely get them a ticket, they will be in for a huge treat and will be sure to thank you later! If all else fails, a walk around Covent Garden with all the lights up at this time of year is simply picture perfect!


P.S. Let me know in the comments down below, what were some of your favourite moments of 2017? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Wow, sounds like you had quite a year! I'd love to visit NYC one day. Hopefully soon... Haha, also the view from that garden looks amazing! Wishing you only the best for 2018! :) x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Awww you definitely have to visit it one day, save up and spoil yourself with a trip to NYC - you won't regret it! Wishing you all the best for 2018 too, stay in touch lovely :) x



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