Top 5 Netflix Shows To Watch This Autumn!

Hey lovelies!

If there is one thing that I absolutely love, it is Netflix! I honestly can't get enough of all the amazing shows that are bundled together on this beautiful thing created just for our viewing pleasure. I have found that not only does it light up my world but it changes my mood instantly, especially now that Friends has been added so that I can binge watch one of my all time favourite shows all day every day!

Today, I have put together some of my favourite shows so that hopefully you can get some scary, dark goodness just in time for Halloween because we all know that unless you're a fan of horror movies or scary shows, you're not really going to find yourself any other time to scare yourself for the sake of the season!

So without further ado, here are my top 5 favourite Netflix shows:

1. Jessica Jones - Boy oh boy is this a good one! I have been working my way through this show and am currently on the second season - it's incredible! Jessica Jones can be a little dark but her heart is in the right place and it's just so crazy how there are so many twists and turns when you least expect them. I think that it's definitely one to watch if you're intrigued by the psychology of the mind and how it can be skewed by someone else's super power - sounds weird I know but give it a chance, you'll get what I mean!

2. Riverdale - If you've watched this show which, if you haven't already what are you doing with your life (???), you will know just how freaking awesome it is! I have loved every single second of this show so far and with the third season gracing its presence on our screens, you know that I couldn't not include it this blog post! Riverdale never fails to keep me guessing, although working out who the Black Hood was became very obvious if you could see the signs spoilers here, so get watching!

3. Scream - Oh my god! This is something that I definitely had to push myself to watch after seeing the first episode with one of my best friends a little while ago and freaking out! I find it so hard to believe that I actually managed to make it all the way through the entire series but I must admit that there were quite a few hiding-behind-the-pillow moments and "ewwww that's so gross, why would they do that??" when a murder took place. Scream is gruesome but the storyline is annoyingly good although it's not for the faint of heart so tread carefully if you embark on this rollercoaster of horror!

4. How To Get Away With Murder - Why on earth am I so late with this one?! I love How To Get Away With Murder and even though I would never try it out myself, it's just so intriguing to see how a lawyer and her law students are able to work their way around getting away with it! I find it so creepy but so mind-blowing and clever at the same time! The second season for me is fast approaching and I can't wait to see what's going to happen next but please, NO SPOILERS GUYS!

5. Santa Clarita Diet - This is a cool yet somewhat bizarre show! Drew Barrymore plays her character so well and makes eating humans, despite not being classified as a zombie, actually kind of there's a sentence I never thought I'd say! I just love how her relationship with her husband and daughter develops because of the change in her body and although I have yet to finish the series, I'm getting hooked and maybe you will be too!

Be sure to let me know in the comment section down below which shows you're loving this Autumn and Halloween season because I would love to hear some of your recommendations! What kind of shows are you into? Let's chat!



  1. Nice! I am going to follow this. Also, I have finished watching series by Andy Yeatman and I can start with some new shows. I have heard about these shows from my friends and I can start watching it with them right away.

    1. Aw I'm glad to hear that! Hope you enjoy watching some new shows!



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