It's A Mood: Deep Smokey Eyes

Hey lovelies!

Walking into the new year with smokey eyes like nothing is going to get me down! Okay but truthfully though, having this sort of makeup up on makes me feel like a badass woman and I feel like I've just entered a Bond movie, where are all my sidekicks and my James Bond?!

Smokey eyes, to me at least, are the definition of what makes the eyes super sexy and sensual often without having to even try! I love the fact that no matter what it is, the smokey eye has the power to adapt itself to any occasion it desires. In need of a subtle smokey eye for the day, choose lighter brown eyeshadows like I did here or if you're venturing out for a night on the town then look no further for a smokey eye suited to that kind of event!

I've got to admit, when my sister and makeup artist Elena Pylarinos MUA came to me with the idea of wanting to create this look, I was excited but unsure as to how it would look on me. Needless to say I don't think that I look like a raccoon but  the moment I saw my eyes I did immediately start singing a Pretty Reckless song and if you're not sure who that is then just think early Taylor Momsen when there wasn't an excessive amount of eyeliner and black eyeshadow hiding her gorgeous blue eyes!

More importantly, I want to hear your thoughts on the smokey eye; are you a fan of the sultry mysterious look or are you too worried that if you'll try it out then you'll just look like the eyeliner meme? Trust me, we've all been there so feel free to share your horror stories in the comment section down below! Speak soon hopefully!

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  1. beautiful eyes! love the satin lipstick ��

    1. Aww thank you so much Lauren! This was one of my favourite looks by far! xx



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