Norfolk Broads: A Mini Photo Display of Pretty Pictures

Never seen something so perfect, have you?
Hey lovelies!

You know I didn't know that I could be so relaxed. I didn't know that I would love driving a boat around the broads for an hour and a half straight. I didn't know that the simple life with plenty of peace and quiet is what I craved. I also didn't know that for the second time, I would enjoy going on holiday somewhere that wasn't abroad.

I loved practically every second of my holiday and maybe when you're working full time this is what happens - you end up cherishing the moments you aren't rushing around trying to get loads of things done within a short period of time and you value the quiet times with loved ones, even when you're having a simple relaxing time with your family at home.

I returned from my holiday just over a week ago and having spent the last week with family, I am truly envious of all those still or yet to go on their holidays! Summer can be one of the best times of the year and without a break it feels as though you've been robbed of the chance to create so many wonderful and beautiful memories as I did over the last two weeks.

The Norfolk Broads trip was so lovely and every aspect of it was beautiful! Having the chance to sit by the water, watch the river flow and let life slow down a little bit was exactly what I needed for the first week of my holiday. That being said, a trip to the Norfolk Broads is not a success if you don't visit Cromer to have a mini golf tournament (and lose), spend a few pennies (responsibly) at the amusements and sit on the beach for a little while for a much needed breath of sea air.

I've never been one to opt for a holiday in England as I usually like to leave the country for a complete change of scenery but this year, I couldn't help but enjoy our little home away from home, even if I hadn't left the English borders haha!

I hope that you love these photos as much as I loved snapping away taking them. If they do manage to convince you to book a Norfolk Broads getaway for the weekend, be sure to hire a day boat as there is no better way to see the broads than on the river, trust me you won't regret it!

Also if you love a bit of adventure and love being on the water, canoeing and kayaking are a must-do activity for any individual, couple or family who want some quiet time, bonding time or let's face it, since you're in close proximity to one another in a canoe (possibly for the first time)...some arguing time hahaha! Let me know which you choose and have a wonderful time! 


P.S. Check out my Instagram for more photos from my trip!

Perfect after dinner view!
Tree reflections
Cromer Putting Green (I lost)!
Putting green or uphill mini golf battle?
Little hobbit steps
Flower beds at the putting green
Flowers so perfect
Chocolate ice cream from the ice cream boat on the river - just moor up and grab yourself a well deserved treat!
Near Lathams...
Take me back!
Super peaceful!
Boat views for days!
Making ripples
The sun makes the water look even more beautiful!
What a view!
I could've been in Brighton for all I knew haha!
I really wanted to go for a swim!
Just like the Greek sea
Five shades of blue for a holiday by the water
When I discovered 'Night' mode on my phone
Moon on the river

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