Autumn Bucketlist 2019

Blogtober Day Two
Hey lovelies!

So I went back and had a look at the bucketlist that I had created for Autumn last year and I have to say...the number of things that I managed to tick off did not even come to half of the list. Disgraceful I know, I'm disappointed in myself as well don't you worry.

This year I have therefore decided that I am going to make more of a conscious effort to do more and be more this Autumn just by creating a list of things that I would like to do that reflect not only my personality but my passions and what goal/goals I want to accomplish by the time October rolls out and November (AKA Birthday Month) swoops on in! If the Autumn inspired board on my Pinterest is anything to go by then I'm in for a wicked good season!

With all that said, here is a list of 20 things that I'm definitely, most assuredly, hopefully going to try and do this season...I have this in writing so I'm holding myself accountable here haha!

Here goes...

1. Jump up and down in a pile of leaves - always
2. Meet up with an old friend for a date with a hot beverage
3. Get myself a couple of jumpers to snuggle up in on those crisp Autumn days
4. Eat 5 orange things (because orange is Autumnal duh)
5. Wear all the darker Autumn lipsticks
6. Watch all the Autumn episodes of Gilmore Girls
7. Do something Autumnal and out of my comfort zone (not too sure what I mean by this either but I'll figure it out)
8. Sit on a park bench surrounded by nature and the changing colours on the trees
9. Visit a farm, apple orchard or somewhere cute like that
10. Explore some place new even if it's just outside my door
11. Bake an apple pie
12. Pick one Autumn outfit and take photos in it
13. Do yoga and meditate on a rainy day
14. Watch a couple of Halloween movies all cuddled up under some blankets
15. Read a scary book/a thriller
16. Watch a sunrise
17. Surprise a loved one with something Autumnal
18. Try an Autumnal drink
19. Carve a pumpkin
20. Take plenty of photos throughout Autumn!

...and there we have it! Leave me a comment down below letting me in on some ideas that you have for your own Autumn bucketlist, do we have any that are similar?! Let's find out!


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