Not Vicarious: Renewed!

Hey lovelies!

It was about time wasn't it? We needed a rebrand or a revamp of some sort after having the same look for almost 9 years, and here it is! I love it!

In a time where short form content dominates, attention spans are increasingly shorter, and the ever popular TikTok app gets our fingers scrolling for hours multiple times a day, it's not hard to think that blogs are more than likely a thing of the past. A part of me still hopes that there are some stubborn blog readers out there who are holding onto the lost art that is blog content creation.

I certainly debated on whether or not I should bother coming back to post on here, but I thought: "What have I got to lose? If I enjoy it, who cares if less people choose to read it? Do something because you love it!"

With that in mind, I'll begin to feed this blog and any potential readers with new content and enjoy the process once again. I'll be sure to fill you in on everything, what an exciting feeling! 😊

See you soon...

Love always, Stephanie


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